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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Roger Federer's Chance for French Open Title

In a few hours, Roger Federer will be battling for the French Open title against Robin Soderling. Federer has so far been deprived of the title by Rafael Nadal the last three years running.

With Nadal unexpectedly ousted by Soderling, Federer now has a golden opportunity to capture the title. Soderling has lost every game he has played against Federer, so really all expectations are that Federer will achieve the title. But then Soderling did beat Nadal and went on to win against Fernanado Gonzalez, though it was a hard fought match.

Suzanne Lenglen Court at Roland Garros.Image via Wikipedia

There is a lot of anticiptation for this final, and there are many well-wishers for Federer. Many feel he is morally entitled, if there is such a thing, to a win in the French Open, and are fearful that another chance may not available.
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